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Showing posts from September, 2018

What is Love?

What is love? That’s a really hard question because love is different to every person, and love can take many forms; for example, the love for a family member is different from the love for a significant other. I grew up with a boy: we will call him David. After a small misunderstanding in the fifth grade, a mutual crush bloomed between the two of us — one that would only grow stronger as we did older. I always struggled with these  feelings . I told myself that he was nothing more than a childhood crush, and that my “Prince Charming” was somewhere out there waiting for me. And so, once I got a phone, I tried to find him. This “journey” of mine only ended badly with each attempt, and seemed to hurt both David and I. Despite this, the two of us still managed to get closer — until I was sure that I no longer just had a crush on him, until I was so afraid of this unknown emotion that I tried to pretend it didn’t exist. Eventually, at the end of the seventh grade, I met a